
List of Banks' SWIFT Codes

Find your bank below to get a list of SWIFT codes. The list include bank name, branch location or bank unit/department and the code.

Banco Comercial Portugues branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal

The list of Banco Comercial Portugues branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal grouped by location.

Banco De Portugal branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal

Banco De Portugal branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal

The list of Banco De Portugal branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal grouped by location.

Banco Finantia branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal

The list of Banco Finantia branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal grouped by location.

Banco Santander Totta branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal

The list of Banco Santander Totta branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal grouped by location.

Interbolsa branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal

The list of Interbolsa branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal grouped by location.

SWIFT / BIC Codes of Banks and Financial Companies in Portugal

The list of SWIFT / BIC Codes of Banks and Financial Companies in Portugal grouped by location.

Novo Banco branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal

The list of Novo Banco branches SWIFT / BIC Codes in Portugal grouped by location.